Registration will be done online through our student information system, Genesis. To finalize the registration process, you will need to make an appointment with district registrar, Lisa Miano, to present documentation in person.
Please review the online registration directions at the appropriate link below. On the registration directions page you will find the link to start the registration process in Genesis.
You can save your registration and return to it later to complete or upload documentation. In order to do that, please remember your login and password to re-enter it in the system. Upon completion, you will receive an email confirmation from the district registrar, Lisa Miano. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Miano at [email protected].
2025-26 Integrated Preschool Application for New Students
2025-26 Integrated Preschool Application for Returning Students
2025-26 Registration Instructions Grades Pre-K-12
Registration Instructions Grades Pre-K-12 - Spanish Version
2024-25 Integrated Preschool Application for New Students
2024-25 Integrated Preschool Application for Returning Students
2024-25 Registration Instructions Grades Pre-K-12
Registration Instructions Grades Pre-K-12 - Spanish Version
Open Registration (for returning users)
Refundable Tuition Deposit
If you have not yet closed on your home or do not have a rental lease on a property for the school year in which you are trying to enroll, but do have a fully-executed contract of sale or a signed pending lease, you may leave a refundable tuition deposit at our Board of Education Office so that you can proceed with the registration process now. Please email Ekta Desai at [email protected] for further details regarding the deposit.
Reminders for Completing Health Registration Requirements
If ANY part of the medical is found missing or incomplete your registration is NOT complete and your child will not be permitted to begin school.
The physical exam must be COMPLETED in the U.S. by a U.S. licensed physician. Out of the country physicals CANNOT be accepted.
The physical exam must be completed within 365 days prior to the date of school entry.
Be sure that your physician has SIGNED and STAMPED the physical exam.
Be sure that your physician has completed the form in its entirety (including vision and hearing testing as well), as the limitations to classroom activities, physical education and competitive athletics. If your physician has indicated that there are limitations, be sure that they have commented on the limitations. If these are incomplete, the form will be returned to you and registration is INCOMPLETE.
TB testing is required for any student that meets either of these criteria:
1. Students born in a country with a TB incidence of ≥ 20 cases per 100,000 population (as determined by the World Health Organization) and entering school in the U.S. for the first time, regardless of age or grade. Please see the WHO stats on TB HERE.
2. Students transferring into the New Jersey school system directly from a country with a TB incidence of ≥ 20 cases per 100,000 population (as determined by the World Health Organization), regardless of age or grade.
For all students entering Grade 6 or higher—they must have documentation of receipt of a Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine.
If you are missing an entire series of vaccines (i.e. the Hepatitis B vaccine), you MUST receive at least one dose prior to starting with documentation of the plan for completion.