Instructions for Board Meeting Remote Public Comment via Zoom
The instructions below are only for making a remote public comment during a Board Meeting via Zoom. If you are looking to watch the YouTube livestream of the Board of Education meeting, please see the Board Meeting Livestream webpage for instructions.
The YouTube livestream of the Board of Education meeting lags behind real-time by a few minutes. The Zoom call for public comment happens in real-time. Therefore, persons who wish to make public comment using Zoom must open the Zoom call and monitor it for when they are being invited to make public comment. Here is the Zoom link.
(here is the Zoom URL:
Please review the details below on making a public comment via this Zoom link.
Step 1:
When you are ready to make a public comment, join the Board of Education meeting via the Zoom link posted above. Please plan for your participation in the meeting:
Turn your camera and microphone on.
Dress appropriately.
Maintain a proper background setting for your camera’s view.
Be in a quiet space.
Recommended: Wear headphones to avoid any audio feedback.
Step 2:
You will be placed in a queue and admitted to the meeting when it is your turn to make a public comment. Again, you must monitor the Zoom call to be aware of when it is your turn to make public comment (the livestream of the Board meeting is not real-time but the Zoom call is). Once you see that you are admitted to the Zoom call, it will be your turn to make your public comment. Please follow these steps:
Mute the live stream as soon as you are admitted to the Zoom meeting so that you do not hear the audio from both the livestream and the Zoom at the same time.
Begin your public comment by stating your full name and address.
Limit your public comment to three minutes.
Step 3:
After making your public comment please exit the Zoom meeting so that the next person waiting to make a public comment can be admitted.
You will note that your public comment will be heard on the livestream of the Board meeting some minutes after you have made your comment on Zoom.